Card to card
Seal type
Heat seal
Sealing area width (mm)
Sealing area height (mm)
Number of workstations
At a glance
- Eight-stationrotary blister sealing machine
- Designedfor All-Paper Blisters, but also capable of producingconventional carded blisters, heat and/or cold seal double carded trappedblisters, club store trapped packages and full face blisters.
- Automaticblister feeder, card feeder & finished package unloader to reduce labourcosts
- Standardfor heat seal
- Optionalpress systems available, to allow cold seal packages to be processed also
- Mediumformat 14” x 18” sealing area accommodates a wide range of package sizes
- Excellentfor OEM’s, contract packagers and handicap workshops
- Heavy-dutyindustrial design floor model machine
- Larger standard andcustom machine sizes and features quoted on request
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