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Papier blister opakowanie

Papier blister opakowanie

Zaspokajanie potrzeb w zakresie opakowań ze zrównoważonymi komponentami.

Ikona kciuki w górę!
Chcesz połączyć materiały, kolory i struktury? Ekologiczna błogość Retail chętnie pomoże Ci znaleźć idealne opakowanie!

Co to jest papier blister opakowanie?

Paper blister packaging is a type of packaging that solely consists of paper components: the back is made from paper, as well as the blister component. Paper blister packaging can be both cold seal packaging and heat seal packaging. Using heat sealing, the paper cup will be attached on top of the paperboard for a strong hold. With cold sealing, the paper cup will be clammed between two layers of carton. This offers an even more robust and theft resistant packaging than heat seal. Both cold sealing and heat sealing can offer a high production speed. That makes blister paper packaging very economical and easy to incorporate in your packaging process.

Różne rodzaje papieru blister opakowanie

Ecobliss Retail offers different variants of paper blister packaging.

Papier blister z etykietą zabezpieczającą

One of the types of blisters is the plastic-free alternative blister that includes a security tag. It is an effective anti-theft protection packaging, which Ecobliss offers, including RFID, AM and EM security tags.

Paper blister freestanding

This free standing blister made of paper is the best of both worlds. You can either choose to display the product hanging or freestanding on the shop shelf. There are various designs that could be used for this free standing paper packaging.

·        Blister card (single or double) combined with a single blister

·        Frontand back blister, or so-called clamshell, with an insert card

Papier blister z łatwym otwieraniem

Lastly, we offer the paper blister packaging with an easy opening. It is a design that one can open effortlessly, without using a pair of scissors or knife. This type of design can be used for unlimited products. Examples are batteries, tapes, automotive lamps, spark plugs, LED and energy saving lamps. The blister in paper will offer a convenient usage for customers. They can forget about the prior unpleasant and difficult manner of opening a packaging and enjoy the easy access.

Zalety blister opakowania papierowe

Paper blister packaging is a sustainable alternative to traditional blister packaging, which typically consists of a plastic blister affixed to a paperback. The main advantage of this packaging is that it does not include any plastic, as it completely consists of virgin or recycled carton. Read more about the specific advantages and challenges of carton packaging.

W związku z tym niniejszy dokument blister brakuje pewnej przejrzystości. Istnieją jednak różne opcje drukowania na papierze blister, a także opcje wycięć w celu zaprezentowania produktu. Dodatkowo istnieje kilka możliwości łatwego otwierania. Ten blister Opakowania papierowe staną się elementem przyciągającym wzrok, zwiększając siłę sprzedaży produktu.

Dlaczego warto wybrać Ecobliss Retail?

Are you excited to learn more about paper blister packaging and the wide range of possibilities it offers? Ecobliss Retail wants to focus on the sustainable production of packaging, but also the customization for each business. As such, there is a lot to choose from. Material properties can be combined, as well as colour, structure and texture, using the limitless possibilities of our blister packaging machines. All of these are crucial elements that play a role in how to set your product in the spotlights for your target group.

Zrównoważona alternatywa dla tradycyjnych blister opakowanie

Zrównoważona alternatywa dla tradycyjnych blister opakowanie

Artykuł blister Opakowanie to rozwiązanie, jeśli szukasz ekologicznego i przyciągającego wzrok opakowania!
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Locked4Kids carton
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  • Odporny na dzieci, przyjazny dla osób starszych
  • Certyfikat ISO/EN 8317 i US16 CFR 1700.20
  • Dostępne w różnych rozmiarach i zastosowaniach
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